VATHRES: and the sun was subsumed by the lands of silk and soil

      Thanathosis production

music by alex zethson
video by micael de leeuw
from Vathres' album Liturgy of Lacuna (Oct 6, 2023)

the dramatic scene of a landslide serves as a poignant reminder of the transient nature of life and its ability to profoundly alter our existence in an instant. the relentless power of the elements underscores our vulnerability when compared to their might. highlighting the theme of "birth from ashes" drawing a deep parallel to the earth's creative potential – akin to an elemental birth where earth and water synchronise with the rising rhythm of Vathres' music, the story unfolds at both a fast but still a slow pace, suddenly taking us to the heart of a volcanic eruption: a symbolic representation of humanity's tireless pursuit of the infinite and the relentless forces, reinforcing the metaphor of being "thrown against the sun's fire" or as close as we can get to it on the earth's surface . . . as the music video nears its end, a monochrome darkness envelops the screen, offering a moment of rest for introspection and contemplation. in this emptiness where time and space unite.

VATHRES: and the screams of the now extinct machines
       Thanathosis production

music by alex zethson
video by micael de leeuw
from Vathres' album Liturgy of Lacuna (Oct 6, 2023)

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